and apples you are comparing.
But my attempt to discover how Nelson does in the world I asked Castlegar some questions regarding
broadband etc.
Telus fibreoptic trailer on Gordon Rd today June 6, 2017. Every other town around us now has Telus PureFibre to the house, not Nelson. Telus would have done Nelson apparently a few years ago but the city wanted to do their own fibre. So the inside industry chatter is they just went and did all the towns around us while waiting for Nelsonfibre to fall on its face economically---it has.
I have before me via my FOI request, the invoice for a Nelsonfibre customer billed Dec 31/2016, by what I understand is the exclusive install contractor for all Nelsonfibre installation. They did the $22,000 door instal also.
Fibre Installation total with taxes $2291.74
Then one would add the one time admin fee $250, the monthly $100 to the city of Nelson
and the $350 to the ISProvider.
First month total looks like $2991.74 plus taxes + $450 Total first month
subsequent months would be $100 to the city $350 to ISP for $450 plus taxes/mo.
Shaw provides this for $139.95/mo. free install, modem, Shaw go wifi hot spot and waives
the instal fee. (I requested the quote and was given the above).
So how many Nelsonfibre customers will be left when Telus PureFibre comes next year for
Will RDCK stay, Selkirk College? SD8? Why would they if they can get the same thing for about one quarter the cost?
This puts Nelson in the top Ten in North America for Intelligent Communities?
UPdate, June 2017 I see the manager of IT Salary jumped from around $86,000 to $97,000 this year, not bad with three other full timers, Castlegar has ONE IT employee.